THE WARRIOR is a catch-all class for fighters who are masters of melee combat. Warriors gain unique powers at high levels. You may make a character who is simply a Warrior, or who is one of the following classes of Warrior:
Warriors who focus on offense. They make no use of heavy armor as it would only slow them down. -
Not just anyone can be a Knight. These characters have been heavily trained and knighted to serve their lords. -
These characters focus on defense and prefer heavy armor. Paladins hold even higher status than Knights, especially in the royal court. -
A Spellsword uses offensive magic in combat as often as they use a blade. The result is that they must dedicate their skills to both.
POWERS are special passive abilities that are triggered during combat. Warriors learn and improve their powers as they level up.
Battle Frenzy
Available at Level 30. After defeating an enemy, your spirit surges with the frenzy of battle and you turn to strike your next foe. Once per turn, make a bonus melee attack after you defeat an enemy. -
Cheap Shot
Available at Level 35. Your opponent turns around to retreat, and you quickly leap after them to strike. No one gets away from you. Once per turn, make a bonus melee attack if the enemy moves away from you. -
Available at Level 50. You sense a surge of magical energy in the air, and know that your enemy is about to strike. Once per turn, attack before a magic attacker (who is about to cast a spell on you), causing their spell to be dispelled. -
First Strike
Available at Level 15. Your instincts tug at your mind, and make your veins feel like they're on fire. You see that your opponent is about to hit you, so you get the first strike in on them instead. Once per turn, strike before a melee attacker (who is about to attack you). -
Available at Level 5. Approaching your enemy from the side, you realize that now is the best time to strike. Once per turn, make a bonus melee attack when flanking an enemy. -
Available at Level 25. Sensing the growing magical energy surrounding your opponent, you charge after them before their spell hits you. Once per turn, attack before a magic attacker (who is about to attack you). -
Available at Level 40. After you successfully block an enemy's physical attack, make the same attack back at them once per turn. -
Available at Level 10. One hit is never enough. After striking your opponent, you refuse to give up, and you strike them again. Once per turn, gain a chance to make a bonus melee attack if you hit successfully (35% chance). -
Available at Level 45. When your strike either misses your target or is blocked, immediately repeat the same attack on the same target. -
Repel Borders
Available at Level 20. As your opponent nears you and your allies, you seize the opportunity to defend yourself, and lunge at them. Once per turn, make a bonus melee attack when an enemy moves into range.

THE MAGE is a catch-all class for any manner of magic user. You may make a character who is simply a Mage, or who is one of the following classes of Mage:
Specialists in potion making and reagents. Alchemists can make potions to heal or strengthen themselves and their allies, or to poison and weaken their foes. -
Specialists in arcane magic. Arcanists practice magic in its purest form, and can add enchantments to weapons and armor. -
Specialists in conjuration. These Mages can summon and control minions to do their bidding. Their attack spells resemble all sorts of creatures in fantastic forms of magic. -
Specialists in storm magic and the divine. Diviners call upon the aether to cast extremely powerful spells, contact the gods, or see the future, at the cost of accuracy. -
Specialists in light magic. Lumomancers can re-energize their allies, instantly light up a room, and see through magic mirrors. They can also blind their enemies, confuse them with visual illusions, and burn them with powerful rays of the sun. -
Specialists in water magic. A Naiad's spells can knock over enemies with tidal waves or even drown them if the area is enclosed. Luckily for them and their allies, they can use their magic to breathe underwater, or create water when it is nowhere to be found. -
Specialists in death magic. Necromancers appear better off on their own, as they can drain life to heal themselves and summon the dead as their allies, while using magic to weaken their enemies. However, a Necromancer makes a valuable member of a team when they sacrifice their own health to heal an ally. -
Specialists in fire magic. Pyromancers cast spells which damage their enemies over time, and can cause frightening amounts of damage at the cost of damaging themselves too. -
Specialists in ice magic. Thaumaturges excel in defense, being able to raise frozen shields and armor of ice to absorb damage. The cold they embrace can easily kill their enemies. -
Specialists in life magic. These are experienced healers who can equally call upon the powers of life to combat their enemies.

THE ROGUE class represents characters who fall on both sides of the law. Rogues use light armor and small weapons to get the job done. You may make a character who is simply a Rogue, or who is one of the following classes of Rogue:
Silent and deadly, these characters excel in stealth and poisoning above all else. Assassins prefer to work alone. -
These Rogues are better suited for teamwork. Whether it's a massive battlefield or a selected band of sellswords, mercenaries can blend into any situation- for a price. -
Pirates are marine rouges who excel in charisma and seafaring. They prefer to work in teams. As rogues, they prefer to use shorter and smaller weapons. -
Whether they're a Robin Hood with a heart of gold, or a slingshot-wielding peasant flinging a rock as a distraction before taking the escape route, these characters are skilled in lockpicking, detecting booby traps, and the arts of deception and persuasion.
BOOBY TRAPS are secret traps used by Rogues and found in dungeons. When a Rogue unlocks a new trap ability, they can also detect this trap when they come across it in the wild.
Available at Level 20. -
Bear Trap
Available at Level 5. Sets a sharp metal snare large enough to painfully trap a leg. -
Available at Level 25. Rocks tumble down and the only way out is suddenly blocked. -
Door to Nowhere
Available at Level 30. A door opens to the edge of a cliff. -
Giant Boulder
Available at Level 20. When triggered, a giant boulder begins to roll down the hall. -
Available at Level 35. A room with no way out begins to fill with sand. -
Pendulum Axe
Available at Level 15. When triggered, a giant axe swings back and forth. -
Poison Darts
Available at Level 15. When triggered, poison darts shoot from both walls. -
Pressure Plate
Available at Level 5. -
Available at Level 35. -
Snake Pit
Available at Level 15. -
Spike Pit
Available at Level 15. -
Trap Door
Available at Level 20. -
Available at Level 10.

Though they get their name from the renowned falcon, Falconers train many different birds of prey as their companions, such as eagles, hawks, and owls. The companion assists them in combat, creating distractions while the Falconer strikes from a distance. Falconers use crossbows, as their companion buys them the time to fire. -
The archers of this world are known as Huntsmen. Whether they are independent adventurers or courtly gamekeepers, the characters of this class excel in combat at a distance. Huntsmen use bows and arrows, whereas Falconers use crossbows.
Standard equipment for all characters includes a Hat, Robe, Boots, Weapon, Athame, Ring, and Amulet. Mages have Spelldecks and in place of their weapon is typically a wand or staff. Other characters who use magic to a lesser extent, such as Spellswords, Summoners and Witch Hunters, also have Spelldecks.
Weapons can be anything from a rusty sword to a set of double flaming fire whips.

Your most trusted comrade could turn their back on you any second, much as you could do the same to them. The darkness of the dungeons will rip the truth out of you with no shame.
When creating a Character, you can choose to have a Secret. Secrets aren't neccessary for every Character, but they can help with upgrades, switching up a style of gameplay, or simply adding to plot and character development. Each Character may hold one secret at once.
Dungeons may randomly contain Wooden Chests, which hold a small amount of gold along with common reagents. Silver chests have more gold and uncommon reagents, while Golden Chests hold the most gold with rare reagents.

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