The Daeva are nocturnal carnivores who make Amhothesh their home. They are traditionally given two names with a hyphen inbetween.
Being a reclusive people, they will hunt and kill anyone who enters their land without permission. As a result, over the course of history, they have been regarded with suspicion. They are ruled by their Empress, Zathne-Xarin.

The Daeva are carnivorous, and eat organs and blood, as well as muscular meat, in order to gain vital nutrients. They have sharply serrated teeth, consistent with other carnivorous species.
Their skin may be any shade of grey, blue, purple, or black. Their hair is said to have taken on the light of the moon itself- it is usually white or silver. Their eyes are pale white, with barely visible color in the sclera. A reflective layer like that in cats and dogs allows them to see better in the dark.
Their voices correlate with the deeper end of the human vocal spectrum. Growling is used as an aggressive and territorial vocalization.

Amhothesh is the capitol city of the Daeva within the Gallows, an area so-called due to the environment's structure of perches hanging upon great spires of rock. Brilliant auroras light the night sky with hues of blue, green, and purple. The persistent clouds and mist which surround the Gallows at this altitude reflect the hauntingly beautiful light of the auroras.
The city is home to nocturnal flowers- which only open at night- when the sun's heat cannot wither and destroy their moist, delicate blossoms. These flowers are pollinated by bats, another creature of the night.
THE BLACK TEMPLE — A temple dedicated to Muas, god of death.