BAT ADDER — Batlike, medium-sized dragons which stalk the Haunted Woods. They feed on blood and rely on their exceptional stealth and sense of hearing to hunt. Bat Adders' bodies are coated in fur that is kept soft as a result of their grooming habits, while their wing frames and tails are covered in rough keeled scales. The wings themselves are velvety and stretchy and are therefore vulnerable areas. They do not breathe fire; these dragons are instead venemous in order to immobilize their prey. After being drained of blood, prey can recover despite their injuries. However, coming across a dead prey animal with fang marks, coated in venom and its own blood can be a sign of a Bat Adder nearby.

BLACK DRAGON — The most competitive and territorial of all dragons. They are not a communal dragon species; rather, they are loners among their kind. Black dragons breathe purple fire.

BRONZE DRAGON — Aggressive dragons who make targeted assaults on other territories, whether they belong to humans or other dragons. They breathe a very bright orange fire.

FLAMEDWELLER — Slow-moving, but deadly dragons. They inhabit the volcanic Firelands. Their scales are black, the wings a fiery red underneath, matching the shades of their terrain. While their diet consists of lava, they may attack other creatures, and can be warded off by a Phoenix. Flamedwellers may breathe fire and expel the lava in their bodies.

GREEN DRAGON — Native to the Eld, for their green scales blend in with the lush woods. They are able to breathe fire.

HYDRA — Many-headed dragons. When one head is severed, two more soon grow back in its place. In order for a Hydra to be killed, its head wounds must be cauterized before regrowth. The Hydra has no fire-breathing abilities and despises fire.

LIGHTNING LIZARD — Frill-necked storm dragons. Lightning Lizards dwell in habitats with harsh conditions, wrapping their nests in layers of thick fog, and settling in the eyes of terrible thunderstorms. As ambush predators, they avoid low ground and stick to high places. Like lightning, their attacks are unpredictable, and they hit hard and fast. They are able to move and attack bipedally. They emit crackling noises as warnings, extremely loud roars, and rumbling purrs. These dragons breathe lightning rather than fire.

RED DRAGON — Native to the Isle of the Vual'hi. Red dragons prefer to nest with small families- a mate and their eggs. They are able to breathe fire.
WYRM — Flightless, four-legged dragons. Their winding bodies and tails twist with ease, allowing wyrms to curl through their environments. Their legs are smaller than other dragons. Wyrms are territorial and cling to dense or burrowed areas where they may dwell unseen. If seen, then they are seen guarding their nesting areas. Wyrms breathe a traditional dragon fire.

WYVERN — A two-legged dragon known for roosting in caverns, derelict structures, or other sheltered chambers. Their wings connect their thin forelimbs to the body. Despite this fact, they are highly agile on land. Their wings are even more powerful than their legs as a result of the need for flight ability. Wyverns are defensive creatures, and do not like being approached- they tend to flee on contact. Wyverns can breathe fire in short bursts.