The Faeries
The Queen of the faeries, the Swan Maiden, magically transforms into a swan during the day. By moonlight, she dons her white swanskin cloak and spreads her swan-feathered wings.
Faeries are a type of Fey created through magic. While immortal, they can be imprisoned indefinitely in statues or magical bottles. Upon release, a fairy in a bottle will manifest to full size from the plume of glitter and smoke that comes out of the jar. They might gratefully grant their savior a wish, or seek revenge for being imprisoned in the first place.
Nythlune is home to the sacred Great Tree, the source of all life and magic. Its size is enormous- its branches reach up through the sky, while its roots twist deep into the earth. A rainbow bridge leads into its hollowed trunk, where the faeries gather to hold council each year. Steps carved into the earth lead down to a cavern below, where the Tree's roots drink from the everlasting spring of the Water of Life. The water is pure, crisp, and cold as ice.
From the World Tree's twigs, the faeries grew and tended six magical trees, children of the World Tree, with one tree for each core school of magic: Fire, Ice, Storm, Water, Life, Light, Death, and Shadow. Because of their magical nature, as they grew, the six trees became great treants, able to speak and teach their respective magic to the faeries.
There is no doubt that the connection between nature and faeries is intimate. It is believed that mushroom circles are signs of faerie magic, as faeries are known to dance in circles.
GALE β The society of the faeries of Γstfold is known as the Gale. Not all faeries dwell in the home of Nythlune. Some are lone, exiled, corrupt to darkness, or otherwise do not consider themselves of the Gale.
NYTHLUNE β The mystical home of the faeries within the northern land of Γstfold.
THE PALACE EAST OF THE SUN AND WEST OF THE MOON β Legendary palace of the faeries within Nythlune. It is named such due to its hidden magical location.
TREE OF DEATH β The Tree of Death is forever barren. It has the face and voice of an old man.
TREE OF FIRE β In place of leaves, this tree burns with an eternal fire coming from its branches.
TREE OF ICE β Icicles hang from the snow-covered branches of this pine tree. It has the face and voice of an old woman.
TREE OF LIGHT β Wisps make their homes among its branches.
TREE OF LIFE β Succulent fruit grows on its branches, surrounded by blooming flowers and lush green leaves. It is said that slain heroes were buried next to the roots of the Tree of Life, where their life would be restored. This tree has the face and voice of a young woman.
TREE OF SHADOW β Light does not reach the bare Tree of Shadow, which first took root in the darkness.
TREE OF STORM β A willow tree surrounded by a constant downpour.
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