Life magic is the magic of nature and the earth. It has the strongest healing and restoration powers of any type of magic. As diseases are often fatal without any intervention, Life mages tend to be highly respected doctors due to the power of their healing magic. Life mages are also called druids, druidesses, or green mages.

Life mages each have their own unique bond to a certain animal or creature. This bond allows them to transform into that chosen creature at will, which can have benefits in combat and in stealth.


BEAST CLAWS — Basic life damage on target. Caster summons large magical claws in front of their hands which strike the target where they swipe.

BLESSING — Heals the target by a small amount.

BRAMBLES — A growth of thorns surrounds and entraps the target, dealing small damage. They must cut their way out.

CALM — Convinces an enemy that you mean no harm.

GIFT OF FRIENDSHIP — Singing a magical tune like a princess to a bird, the caster charms an animal to become their companion.

GUARDIAN SPIRIT — Applies an effect: if the target dies, they will be revived with a quarter of their health.

GUIDANCE — Increases the accuracy of a target.

HAND OF GOD — Heals the target by a medium amount over time. A large hand emerges from the clouds and points at the target as a healing light encompasses them.

LIONHEART — Target becomes immune to fear effects.

LISTEN TO NATURE — Caster can understand the target creature and communicate with it.

NINE LIVES — Target becomes immune to the next nine attacks they face.

PACIFY — Caster cannot be targeted by the enemy while pacification is in effect.

REBIRTH — Heals the target by a large amount.

SANCTUARY — Forms a sphere of life magic over the battlefield which has the effect of increasing the amount of health that healing spells will heal.

SECOND CHANCE — Brings a recently deceased target back to life. Can only be cast on a target that died in the last round.

TAKE FORM — Caster transforms into their chosen animal form.

VINE TRAP — Twisting vines wrap around the target and trap them. They must be cut free by an ally.

WILD SENSES — Improves the target's perception in the form of an animal's senses. Target gains increased sense of hearing, scent tracking, and night vision.