Every mage has their wand, and every wand has its mage. Sorcerers; however, neglect to use wands for magic conduction in favor of their own hands, a rather dangerous practice to engage in.


BONE ROD — A wand carved from bone. An obvious choice for Death magic.

ELVEN AMULET — Protective amulet given to an elf on the day of their birth. Serves as a magic conductor in place of a wand.

QUARTERSTAFF — Long, seven-foot staff with sharp metal spikes on each end. The battling wizard's choice.

SKULL — The traditional necromancer's conductor. Used in place of a wand to contact spirits of the dead. Often coated in various reagents and magical substances.

STAFF — Carved from a large piece of wood or forged by a smith, and then inlaid with ornamentation.

TREE BRANCH — A branch in the shape of a wand taken straight from a tree. An obvious choice of conductor for Life magic.