Naturally powerful against Fire magic. Beginners first learn to meditate on Water magic while listening to the ocean in a conch shell. Mages who practice Water magic are called Naiads or blue mages. Over time, Naiads must hydrate their bodies more, as dehydration comes with increased discomfort.
BREATHE UNDERWATER — Target is able to breathe underwater.
SINK — Causes the target, if currently in water, to sink.
SPLASH — A burst of water from the caster makes a target wet. Useful to extinguish a targeted fire.
TIDAL WAVE — Summons a wave which crashes down on the target.
WATER ELEMENTAL — Summons a Water Elemental out of existing water. It can attack with Water spells.
WATERWALL — Creates a massive wall of water between the caster and the target.
WHIRLPOOL — Creates a whirlpool in a body of water.
WINGS OF THE SEA — Allows the target to swim with a powerful swiftness as though they were a sea creature.
TSUNAMI — Summons a deadly, massive force of water which crashes down on the target area.