Atlas of the World
AMHOTHESH β The home of the nocturnal Daeva in the Gallows. (Azem's Note: Read more here).
ΓSTFOLD β Stretching north of the Sapphire Sea, Γstfold is the land rich with mountains which separates all of known civilization from what exists beyond. Varying from shades of grey stone to white marble, its heights covered by ice and snow, the grand mountain range settles to flatter land in its furthest north point. The subsoil is permafrost.

AZGAAR β A free city on the coast of the South Seas. Known for its status as a trading port with a joyous, bustling atmosphere. It also has a pirate infestation problem.
CASHMERE β The sunny capitol city of the Dynasty of Sarranas in the center of the Heartland, known for its quality fabrics. (Azem's Note: Read more here).
DUNMORROW β Dukedom of House Black in the Haunted Woods. Long ago, it was under the control of the vampires of Castle Ravenrune. (Azem's Note: Read more here).
ELD β The Eld is the vast green forest of the Heartland, and is the beloved home of the Illurians. It is plentiful with honey, fruit, berries, and tree syrup.
FIRELANDS β Smoking land jutting out to the west of the Γstfoldan Mountains, where the earth darkens into black rock and magma rises from the earth. Any vegetation that once grew is scorched and barren; petrified into obsidian. Populated by phoenixes and dragons.
FOOL'S CROSSING β A path for imports, exports, traders and all other visitors; the major entrance and exit of Dunmorrow running through the forest. There are no fees or restrictions (Azem's Note: anyone telling you differently is a thief).
GALLOWS β Near the Firelands. Deep black cliffs of nothingness. The Gallows are so named due to their association with death- the Towers of Sacrifice are located here.
GREAT BLUE MOUNTAINS β Mountain range of a grey-blue color which separates the Heartland from Dunmorrow.
HAUNTED WOODS β Otherwise known by its formal name, the Woods of Blackmore. Marked by the sudden shouting of crows when you enter a part of the forest you shouldn't have. Graveyards and ruins are scattered throughout.
HEARTLAND β The name of the region in the center of the continent.
ILLURIA β Civilization of the forest elves who dwell in the Eld. While they are mainly referred to as the elves or forest elves, they identify themselves as Illurians and Sylvari. (Azem's Note: Read more here).
ISLE OF THE VUAL'HI β Group of islands populated by the dragonlike Vual'hi. (Azem's Note: Read more here).
KATERON β The Kingdom of Kateron includes the noble dukedoms of House Black and House Stane.
MOONPEAKS β Mountain range which follows the coast of Illuria and the Eld.
NECROPOLIS β City of the dead in the underworld.
NO MAN'S LAND β The land east of Astfold, north of the Sea of Monsters. No one lays claim to this area, nor are there any major civilizations there. The only community there is made up of those who tend the House of He Who Sleeps.
NORTHSHORE β Fishing village in the territory of House Stane.
NYTHLUNE β The mystical home of the faeries in Γstfold, though its actual location is unknown to all other beings and therefore inaccessible. (Azem's Note: Read more here).
QUEEN'S HUNT β Kateronian hunting grounds located in the Heartland.
SAPPHIRE SEA β North of the Heartland. Scattered with glittering icebergs that are pleasing to the eye, but dangerous obstacles for sailing.
SEA OF SONGS β Warmer sea surrounding the Isle of the Vual'hi.
SEA OF MONSTERS β Salt water sea, and the most unpleasant one of this world. The horrors do not end in the Haunted Woods- sailors tell tales of Krakens and ghost ships in the brimey deep. Sometimes there is blood in the water here. No flesh or bones bob on the surface, no broken wood signals the grave of a boat- but there's enough of it to ice your veins with dread.
SNOWBELL β A wintery city, territory of House Stane, bordering the Sapphire Sea.
STORMCLIFFS β Here be lightning lizards. Misty cliffs on the edge of the South Seas, caught in an eternal storm. The salty waves crash into the rocks as lightning crackles in the distance.
WINTERHOLD β The castle of House Stane of Kateron.
WINTERWOOD β To the north of the Heartland is the Winterwood, an expanse of snow-covered evergreen trees. Lichen persists year-round, attracting foraging prey animals.
XANADU β Southwest of the Heartland. A region of dry wastes where the city of Zomantia floats.
YRALITH β Ancient citadel of the ice elves on the edge of Γstfold.
ZOMANTIA β Also known as "The Shining City," Zomantia is home to the Zomantians. The region outside of (and including) the city is often called, and aptly named, "The Floating Stones." (Azem's Note: Read more here).