EncyclopΓdia of Mythos
ABHOTH β Eldritch. The only eldritch god to have been killed by the celestial gods. Its heart is imprisoned in a vault in the underworld.
ADONA β Old Faith. The goddess of love, romance, desire, beauty, and passion. She was born from the love of Eroe and Ilerin.
ASTROLOGY β The science of the stars. The tools of an astrologer include an astrolabe, a globe, and a telescope.
ATRA β Old Faith. The god of the sun, light, and summer. Each night his powers burn out and he must rest. His worship is centered in Cashmere where light magic is traditionally practiced. A festival takes place in his honor coinciding with the Summer Solstice. He is the father of Fyrea, and the brother of Ishuna.
BOUNTY β A reward offered in exchange for the capture or death of a target. Bounty hunters make their living collecting bounties.
CALENDAR β The seven days of the week include Starday, Sunday, Moonday, Godsday, Earthday, Waterday, and Windsday (associated with the freedom of the winds). Months are referred to as "moons," reflecting the full passage of the cycle of the moon every month, from new moon to waning crescent.
CHOSEN OF ABHOTH β Eldritch. The Chosen of Abhoth were and are a group of dark mages who worshipped their titular god before his destruction. The original Chosen managed to reach the edge of the celestial realm, breaking the barrier to the Abyss in attempt to reach the eldritch realm beyond. Their efforts led to Abhoth's escape, but also their own consciousness being spread across all of time and space. They lost their minds in the infinitude of the universe. However, a few of the Chosen found that they could anchor themsevles to a certain point in time or space where someone thought about them. After their assumed destruction, stories were told of their downfall and the gods' victory over Abhoth. The more focus that was on them, the more they could focus themselves into existence- resulting in abnormal effects on the surrounding area. Abhoth may be rendered dead, but his Chosen still live. They have used their power to foster cults dedicated to themselves and their dead god. Every move they make is a calculated attempt to alter the timeline of history and restore Abhoth as ruler of all existence.
DAEVA β Species. Nocturnal sophonts with grey, blue, purple, or black skin. The Daeva call Amhothesh their home, and let no one in without permission.
DANEAS β Old Faith. The goddess of wisdom, who nevertheless relentlessly searches for more knowledge. She was the second god created, after Eon, when the Creator split his being into three gods. She represents the mind, intellect, strategy, and purpose. She is called upon in situations where one does not know what to do.
ELDER GOD β Old Faith. The three elder gods are Daneas, Eon, and Ilerin, who represent the mind, the soul, and the body of the Creator. Eon was the first to split from the Creator's essence, followed by Daneas and Ilerin.
ELF β Species. Short humanoids with pointed ears and acute senses. Their skin colors correlate with human skin tones. Elves call themselves the Sylvari, and speak the Sylvan language. In terms of romance, unlike humans, elves are in general culturally polyamorous. The main elven culture is that of the Illurians.
EON β Old Faith. The god of time and creation itself, of beginnings and endings, and the foundation of the universe. The "Eldest among Gods," he was the first god made by the Creator when the Creator split his being into the three elder gods.
EROE β Old Faith. The goddess of the ocean, ruler of the salty seas, and creator of the merfolk. At the time of the world's creation, the elder gods supposed that the earth could not exist without an ocean to cool it and its life from the heat of the sun. When the ocean was made, Eroe too was made, and emerged from the waves to meet the elder gods. Later myths tell of her romance and marriage with Ilerin. Her children are Adona and Ysfal. She is also known as the Evermother. Her temple is located on the shore, with a stone staircase leading down into the sea.
FEY β A class of magical beings, also called Feyfolk, including imps, faeries, pixies, sprites, sylphs, and will-o'-the-wisps. They were created by Ilerin to make sure that no one dares destroy the forests of the universe. But they were also given playful spirits, rather than ferocious ones, so that no one is dissuaded from walking through the forests. They reside in the realm of the Fey.
FYREA β Old Faith. The goddess of fire and warmth. She is the daughter of Atra. She is seen as quite the picky god whose standards must be upheld, because of the finicky nature of flames- to start a fire, there cannot be too much wind, the tinder must be dry, and the friction must be just right. Wildfires are seen as bad omens of her wrath. Her worshippers seek her for advice to light their way. Her sacred animal is the phoenix.
GOD β The dominant belief holds that the gods live in the celestial realm. Fainter stars, specks of light in the night sky, are said to be the gods of distant peoples.
HALF ORC β Species. The child of an orc and non-orc sophont (human, elf, etc). They have pointed ears and manes on the back of their necks.
HOUSE OF HE WHO SLEEPS β A religious temple in No Man's Land, dedicated to the Creator of All. The followers of this god believe that it is asleep, and reality is a dream it is having. It has chosen to stay asleep to let everything exist.
IHEIA β Old Faith. The goddess of storms and daughter of Yolemai. Her temple is a dome with no walls, only supported by columns, so that the strong winds of the Storm Cliffs can blow through it. She is associated with lightning, thunder, and rain.
ILERIN β Old Faith. The god of the earth, forests, nature, and wild animals. He was the third and final god made when the Creator split his being into three parts. He represents life, and is the husband of Eroe, and the father of Adona and Ysfal. He created the realm of the Fey and planted the World Tree. His temple is the Circle of Stones, a great henge in the Eld. He is also called the Allfather.
ISHUNA β Old Faith. The goddess of the moon and the night. She is the sister of Atra. Her followers call her the Moonmaiden, and view her as a protector. The Cult of Ishuna is known as the Twilight, because her followers conduct rituals during the twilight hours to ease the transition from day to night and appease their goddess, calling her to come forward. She must be woken from her slumber, like a sleeping beauty, to take her role as protectress of the night.
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K β Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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MERCENARY β Always best to only pay half upfront, lest they leave you for dead at the first sight of trouble.
MOAOS β Old Faith. The god of magic, creator of daemons, and patron of mages. He is the son of Eon, and came into existence when Eon desired to create a child. As the son of the god of creation, Moaos followed in his father's footsteps and continued to create things. Although magic is primarily his domain, the elements which that magic consists of are still under their respective gods' domains. For example, Rihala wanted to provide relief to mankind from the violence of Shesret, so Moaos let healing magic flow into the world. His own domain is, naturally, arcane magic.
MUAS β Old Faith. The chief god of the underworld and death. He was born from the thoughts of the elder gods as they sought a solution for the overgrowth of life. He brings much sorrow and grief, but without him, life would overrun the earth until it split in two. He is worshipped at the Black Temple in Amhothesh and by the Cult of Muas in the Haunted Woods.
MYTHOS β The name of this world, although different languages naturally have their own translations for it.
NINMU β Old Faith. The psychopomp god of the underworld and journeys. An old man with a twinkle in his eyes, he was once a mortal who passed and was ascended by Muas himself. He collects the souls of the dead and guides their journey to the afterlife.
NOBLE β A gold coin with the visage of a famous noble individual printed on it. The chief currency of Mithandor and Kateron (other civilizations rely on trade or different currencies).
OLD FAITH β The main religion of the Heartland. It is a polytheist system, with many temples for the gods located throughout the Heartland.
ORC β Species. Large built humanoids with green or blue skin, pointed ears, and tusks.
PIXIE β Feyfolk. Pixies produce a magical hallucinogenic powder called pixie dust in order to confuse and evade predators.
PRISON β Dark, wet, and not a good place to be. There are no beds, only a lump of hay to sleep on and a wooden bucket for "that". Criminals are chained, with at least one per cell. Imprisonment is not a punishment on a large scale- prisons are run by only enough money to pay the wardens. Minor offenses will get someone fined, whipped, or sent to the stocks; more serious crimes will get them banished, enslaved, mutilated, or executed. Imprisonment is reserved for debtors, hostages, and criminals awaiting a scheduled execution.
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RIHALA β Old Faith. The goddess of healing, mercy, recovery, peace, and understanding. She was created from the energy released after the gods' first fight, when peace was restored in the celestial realm. Her brother- and opposite- is Shesret. The Cult of Rihala is largely involved in the healing of the sick and injured, and their temples become sanctuaries in times of war. Temples of Rihala offer refugees a place to stay.
SHESRET β Old Faith. Created from the energy released during the gods' first fight, Shesret is the god of anger, battle, conflict, destruction, revenge, and violence. His sister is Rihala. After his conception, Shesret wanted to punish the other gods' puny creations, so he spent millennia crafting monsters. Despite the inherent danger he poses to mankind with his other aspects, he is prayed to for revenge- and he listens.
SOPOTH β Old Faith. The executioner god of the underworld and debts. The one thing Shesret hates more than the other gods is the hubris of mortals, so he created Sopoth, the executioner, to deal with those mortals who try to defy death. Under the domain of Muas, Sopoth is forceful and single-minded, seeking any souls who attempt to break the laws of death. He is also seen as the god of debt, as he collects what is due one way or another, and his ways are particularly violent. The Cult of Shesret believes Sopoth to be another form of Shesret himself.
SYLPH β Feyfolk. Fey spirits of the air. They enjoy leisure and playing in the forest or waters. Sylphs are completely free spirited, with ambivalent opinions on humans and faeries. Some sylphs may help them, some may try tempting them to live among the sylphs, others enjoy pranking them. Because the elves revere them and shower them with gifts, they adore the elves. Their main hobby is dancing. Often naked.
TASKAR β Old Faith. The goddess of hunger and hunting- the feral side of nature. She is called the "Divine Huntress." Her followers engage in animal sacrifice, ritual fasting, and feasting. They hunt alongside their animal companions, bound by the same goal. Rituals are accompanied by animalistic barking, hissing, and howling. Initiation into the Cult of Taskar requires a period of fasting immediately followed by a hunt. The blood of the initiate's catch is given as a sacrifice to Taskar, while her priests prepare the meat in a meal for the initiate as part of a celebratory feast. Worshippers of Taskar can be recognized by their distinctive black eye makeup that resembles the eye markings of a leopard.
The goddess originated as a leopard, a creation of Ilerin, who one day hunted him in pursuit of a meal for her starving belly. When he witnessed her sheer animalistic power, he was overcome by it, and at the same time as the leopard tasted his blood, he killed her in defense. She died in the god's arms, while he bled and mourned the killing of his creation. Moments later, she rose to life with the power of the god's blood, her body transforming into that of a goddess. Taskar's newfound powers came naturally to her, and she became immortalized as both goddess and animal.
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VUAL'HI β Species. The dragonlike inhabitants of the Isle of the Vual'hi, which they call the Three Thousand Isles.
WEFT β An opening to another location. In other words, a portal. Can be made with conjuration magic.
WORLD FORMULA β An alchemical concept that has been researched for centuries, but never found. The World Formula is believed to allow its user to calculate everything, and therefore predict and change the future to their desire.
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YOLEMAI β Old Faith. Yolemai, more commonly known as Father Winter, is the god of winter, wind, snow, ice, and the cold. Year by year, winter must come. The cycle of life would not be complete without it. The winds year-round are a reminder of his presence. The ice elves of Yralith dedicated themselves to the duty of preserving and continuing life even in the everwinter.
YSFAL β Old Faith. The god of growth, spring, and youth. He is the firstborn son of Eroe and Ilerin. With his birth came the cycle of life. His sister is Adona.
YULETIDE β Old Faith. A twelve day winter holiday during the Winter Solstice, complete with carolling, feasts, and festivals.
ZOMANTIANS β Species. The inhabitants of Zomantia, a city of stone and metal floating above Xanadu.